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An Interview With Neil Ross

I just added another interview to our database. This time I got the chance to talk to Neil Ross who, besides other things, was co-announcer on the 75th Annual Academy Awards telecast. He also did the voice-acting on Curse of Monkey Island's Wally and this is were things get interesting for us. Just click here to read the whole interview.

Today there's also another addition to our articles section. Cove's article deals with the question of whether or not game writers are the true spirit of a game. A very interesting read so make sure to check it out as well and leave a comment along the way.

Junior • 2 Comments


heh.. that's cool... and I can say that even though I haven't read the whole interview yet... just a few excepts... but I will read it later.. at the moment I have better things to do: cake awaits downstairs ;D


Wow that was awesome. Ron rocks!

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