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Ron Gilbert announces a new Monkey Island! (sort of)

April 1st is well known for the annual tradition of April Fools' day. During this day, people hoax and trick others, usually in the form of fake news.


Ron Gilbert never liked this tradition, so his blog was April Fools' day free for at least 17 years. Every year on April 1st, he mentioned it:

For going on 17 years the Grumpy Gamer blog has been and always will be April Fools' day free.


Stay strong.


This year, during April Fools' day, he announced that he decided to make another Monkey Island in a very ambiguous manner:

For 18 years the Grumpy Gamer blog has been April Fools' day free because it's a stupid tradition.


So to mix things up a little I'm taking this opportunity to announce I've decided to make another Monkey Island.

Hard to say if he is working on a new Monkey Island or joking, but we can only hope! Somehow this reminds me of the Monkey Island 2 ending - you don't know what to make of it.


Update: The game was officially announced on April 4th.

Miguel • 0 Comments

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