Trivia & Secrets
The Curse of Monkey Island
Enable 3D acceleration
There is an option on menu to "Enable 3D acceleration" which is a joke as the game doesn't use a 3D engine. If you tap on it it will say "We were only kidding.", "No, really, there's not 3D acceleration in this game." and lastly "You can click that all you want, it won't do anything.".
Unlimited cannon balls
During the cannon mini-game you can type "lapostal" and a message saying "Unlimited cannon balls mode ON" will be shown. The sound of the cannon firing will also be different. If you type it again it will go back to normal and you get the message "Unlimited cannon balls STILL ON". This is an original cheat code from the game Dark Forces.
You can also try it in our cannon game.
Turrets from Elaine's fort
Guybrush is able to destroy the turrets from Elaine's fort during the cannon-mini game. Just make sure you don't aim too high.
You can also try it in our cannon game.
Women screaming in the jungle
If you fire the cannon ball into the jungle on the right side of the fort you will hear a women screaming. It might take a few tries though.
You can also try it in our cannon game.
Chickens on the Plunder Island fort
Every time you visit the Plunder Island fort you will see more chickens hanging around the area. Scroll the image carousel to see the difference.
Plunder Island fort secret button
There is a secret button on Plunder Island fort that fires a cannon. The button is close to the bridge near Elaine’s fort.
Tormenting Murray with his arm
You can torment Murray by trying to give him his arm back. Give him just his arm first and then his arm with paste. You will get a different reaction on each situation.
Murray chewing gum
You can give the pack of gum you get from the Voodoo Lady's place to Murray and he will start chewing and blowing bubbles.
Voodoo doll of Mort
The voodoo doll inside the Voodoo Lady's place is connected to Mort, the gravedigger from Blood Island. After you remove the pin from it you can use it again and Mort will complain. You can also use Murray's arm on the voodoo doll and it will scratch Mort's back.
Puerto Pollo clock tower
The clock tower in Puerto Pollo provides the actual time based on your Operative System and every half hour it will chime LeChuck's theme.
Cutthroat Bill turns purple
On the Mega-Monkey mode when Guybrush pats Cutthroat Bill's back he will choke with the jawbreaker. If you wait a few minutes he will slowly turn purple.
Van Helgen sings the Monkey Island theme
If you ask Edward Van Helgen about cool pirate stories he will tell you a story of a melody they were stricken with and eventually he will start singing it. That melody is the Monkey Island main theme.
Van Helgen gets sick when Guybrush sings
If Guybrush sings all of the songs to try to get into the barbershop quartet Van Helgen will get sick and circles will appear above his head.
Slappy Cromwell reviews Guybrush's singing
After auditioning for the barbershop quartet with Van Helgen, go to the theatre and ask Slappy Cromwell to join his show. He will comment on Guybrush’s singing capabilities.
Guybrush pulls out a lighter
After you win the banjo duel with Edward Van Helgen he will start doing a guitar riff. If you don't move Guybrush for a few seconds he will pull out a lighter.
Grassy knoll mysterious door
In the grassy know of Puerto Pollo there is a mysterious door that will take you to some random places in Plunder Island like the balcony of a house or the clock tower.
From that moment on Guybrush reads the informative plaque during the quick sand scene he will always say "Pappapisshu!" instead of "Youch!". The cabaña boy from The Brimstone Beach Club will also do the same.
Palido Domingo enjoys a mug of red dye
You can make Palido Domingo drink the red dye. He will say it's tangy but not very refreshing. However, he still asks for another.
Happy new year from Palido Domingo
If you tell Palido Domingo how pale he is on January 1st he will wish you a happy new year. To see Palido say that line you just have to change your Operative System clock before you talk to him.
Feral chicken in the quicksand
If you wait around 5 minutes in the quicksand you can see the feral chicken sinking and disappear completely.
Sharks follow Guybrush around
The sharks from Plunder Island only start following Guybrush around once he goes to Danjer Cove as that's where they first see him. Before that, there are no sharks to be seen on the island.
El Pollo Diablo!
When Guybrush gets tarred and feathered most characters think he is El Pollo Diablo, the demon chicken. Although most react the same way and want to kill him, there are a few exceptions like Kenny and Murray. There is also a way to remove the tar and feather by going under the waterfall in Danjer Cove.
Ventriloquism book
While on Plunder Island you have to use the ventriloquism book on LeChimp to fool Mr. Fossey. However, you can also use it on other characters or objects and get funny results.
Slappy Cromwell's torn-up contract
If you go to Puerto Pollo after you get rid of Slappy Cromwell, but before you dig up Elaine, you will find a torn-up contract posted by Slappy on the theatre's door saying he quits.
A pirate I was meant to be!
According to Jonathan Ackley, co-project leader of the game, they almost cut this part. When Michael Land brought the team the first edit, the singing was so awful they wanted to kill it. However, Michael insisted to give him a chance. Jonathan agreed but thought it would probably get cut. It turned out to be his favourite part of the game.
Sword-fighting with lightsaber sounds
You can press SHIFT + J during the ship-to-ship combat to change the sound of the swords to lightsaber sounds from the Star Wars. You can turn it off by pressing SHIFT + J again during the ship-to-ship combat.
Ship with tourists
If you sail long enough in the navigational chart you'll eventually get a ship called "Glass Bottom Boat" which is a ship full of tourists. If you shoot the cannons during the ship-to-ship combat they will start screaming.
Drowned Guybrush from Monkey Island 1
You can visit the underwater scene from The Secret of Monkey Island where Guybrush is drowned. To do so you need to pick up the seawater 25 times. Guybrush will walk out of the scene without allowing any interaction. However, you can go back and interact with the scene by moving the cursor over the seawater until you see a down arrow.
Grog sign inside the Goodsoup hotel
Inside the Goodsoup Hotel there is a neon sign which you can control the speed by pushing a chain.
Grog portrait inside the Goodsoup hotel
Inside the Goodsoup Hotel there is a portrait of a pirate lady (top left corner) that gets more piratey every time you enter the room. Scroll the image carousel to see all changes.
Cannibals paradigm shift
When Lemonhead tells Guybrush the cannibals had a paradigm shift and are no longer vicious and bloodthirsty one of the reply options is "Pair of dimes?". If you hover the mouse over that option you will get some funny warnings advising you not to pick it.
Guybrush tempts Lemonhead with human skin
Guybrush uses a map that he removed from Palido's back to get to Blood Island. This map made of fried human skin can be used to tempt one of the cannibals, Lemonhead.
Talking to Mort via the crack between doors
You can talk to Mort from outside of his house in the cemetery. This only works if you talk to the "crack between doors" after Guybrush died once and has spoken with Griswold about the lost ring of Blood Island.
Stump from Mêlée Island forest inside crypt
To visit the Mêlée Island forest from The Secret of Monkey Island you just have to examine the “crumbling hole” inside Goodsoup’s crypt. This a reference to the stump joke from The Secret of Monkey Island (floppy disk versions only) where the game asks you for disk 22, 36 and 114 when you examine the tree stump in the forest.
Spider from The Dig eats Maggie
To see Maggie Robbins from The Dig being eaten by an alien spider enter the Mutual of Stan’s office (crypt) 35 times in a row.
Murray wants a skeleton for himself
Murray will ask Guybrush to pull the head off a skeleton and put him on top of the spine if you go directly to Stan's crypt after leaving the Goodsoup Family crypt for the first time.
LeChuckie - LeChuck toy from King André
If you tell King André you want to buy something piratey you will have the option to ask for toys. King Andre will then give you a LeChuck zombie toy which you can use anywhere in the game. If you give it to LeChuck in the Roller Coaster of Death he will burn it.
All Effete LaFoot interruptions
If you linger for a minute while you're at King Andre's secret hideout, LaFoot will repeatedly open the door and nearly extinguish the candles. There are various reasons for his behaviour, some of which involve amusing interactions with King André.
Guybrush pushes LaFoot off the cliff
On Skull Island If you don’t use the umbrella and get smashed on the rocks at least once Guybrush will push LaFoot off the cliff.
Carnival gets dark
In the Carnival there is a sign on the top that says "Guess yer age n weight". If you try to pick it up the screen will go black with only a few contours visible. Make sure you save the game before doing it as it's not possible to get the screen back to normal.
Wally crying in the Roller Coaster of Death
During the Roller Coaster of Death scene if Guybrush examines Wally's animatronic (Dynamo-Monkelectric tortured Wally) he will realise that it is indeed the real Wally. If you talk to him Guybrush will then tell him he cannot save him right away. After you return to that scene Wally will start crying. You can also ask him to stop swinging just like in Monkey Island 2.